Part of being a writer is being a fan, and in one of my wacky fan moments, I wrote a song for science fiction convention karaoke nights. I will personally sing this anywhere if asked, but perhaps others will too, and if enough of us do, maybe people will think it's a movement. Enjoy!
Girls Just Want to Write Sci-Fi
Lettie Prell, with apologies to Cyndi Lauper
I stay up till the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear but my novella’s took flight
And girls they want to write sci-fi
Oh girls just want to write sci-fi
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells what you gonna do with your life
Oh daddy dear I just need more time to write
‘Cause girls they want to write sci-fi
Oh girls just want to write
That's all they really want
Jemisin, LeGuin and Vinge
Girls, they want to write sci-fi
Oh girls just want to write sci-fi
Some boys read Ancillary Sword
And Earthseed and more and they never get bored
I want to go to the Tiptree Awards
Oh girls they want to write sci-fi
Oh girls just want to write
That's all they really want
Nancy Kress and all the rest
Girls, they want to write sci-fi
Oh girls just want to write sci-fi,
They want to write sci-fi,
They want to write sci-fi.